MAEF – mot Jennifer Karam



On November 19, 2013, six students from grade 11 were chosen according to their aptitudes to visit the Starco Company related to Majid El Futaim. They had a global view about the objectives of the company which works for sustainability in every project. They visited the staff, discussed with the employers and had a video conference with the leader of the company in Dubai, who gave further details on sustainability they use in every project. The students also got the chance to visit one of the biggest Middle East projects, a Majid El Futaim propriety called ”Waterfront City”. There, the students had a talk with specialized architects and engineers, in which, they discovered the basic steps to makeaproject successful, they also talked about interior, structure, geotechnical, landscape, the electrical and mechanical architecture they used in the project. They also talked in detail about the ”Waterfront City Project”. The students watched a short movie that shows the city after it is achieved. The group have got protective suits and helmets to walk across the construction area where they were given details information about the construction site of a project.

To end a great day in a joyful manner the future architects had a meal with the stuff.

Jennifer Karam

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